Pastor Nzaro of Mtepani has an amazing burden and passion for his people. I was challenged by his enthusiastic worship and powerful preaching. Hallmark has invested in a godly man with a tremendous heart!
-Jon Haley
Todays service at Mtepani was such a blessing! I could really feel the spirit of God moving in this poor country church. The people have so little, but lift up their voices in praise to God with a spirit that is unlike most I have seen anywhere else. I truly wish that our mission field in the U.S. were as easy as it is here. I will miss Kenya very much.
-Kim Roberts
Today at Mtepani was amazing! My favorite part was listening to a young lady pray because she was so passionate talking to God. It felt like God was right there in the little church with us! I will always remember it!
-Christy Montieth
Today was our final day in Mtepani. I experienced my first African church service. That was unique in itself. The people there prayed with so much passion, and praised so loudly. It was encouraging to see this in the hearts of all the people there. They are poor, but they loved and laughed and praised God like it was the last day of their life! I pray that we do not forget the hearts of the African people, and that we can carry on the spirit of worship, prayer, thankfulness and love back home with us.
Today we had a final church service in Mtepani. It was amazing to see just how much the leaders of the church had prepared just for us! Many of the ladies spent 2 days building a kitchen to prepare lunch in. One man, Jackson stayed up the entire night preparing the food for us and nearly five hundred other people who joined us in the service. They are extremely giving people. But, I think my favorite part of the day was when they presented us with coconuts as a gift. Another man, Justin cut them open with a machete and we drank the juice out. It really was a good day! See you all soon.
Mtepani will always have a special place in my heart. The kids were so amazing at listening and understanding the gospel. I saw four boys walking by the church and I waved them over. They listened to the message and one of them ended up excepting Jesus into his heart. It was awesome to see! Keep praying.
One of the awesome sights of Mtepani today was all the Kenyan's praying aloud during the church service. It made me think of Heaven and how beautiful the sounds will be from every tribe and nation praising God. To think God allowed us a small part in that! Thank You for your prayer and support during our trip. We love you and are so thankful for our church.
I see the compassion Pastor Nzaro has for his people, but he also preaches the truth to them. He does not sugar coat it. He has two good men, Jackson and Justin to stand along his side. I see God blessing the church in Mtepani.
-Greg Wagner
What a way to end our trip! We attended the MBEWAU church service today and what a service. We spent time with the children today and you could see the hope they had in Jesus Christ. We are way tooo blessed in America and seldom think we have enough. God bless the village of Mtepani. See you soon.
Praise the Lord! We have had such an amazing day at Mtepani's church service. Just knowing how hard everyone worked for the lunch that was given, brought tears to my eyes. My new found friend Maureen let me know that Pastor Nzaro's wife was not feeling well and would be going to visit a doctor. I was able to pray for her, and she asked me to eat lunch with her. Her health is very important, because she does so much for her family and the church. Pray for her and the people of Mtepani. Keep the team in your prayers for travel mercies.
-Katina aka Mama FuPi
We are so blessed to have been able to come to Mtepani! The church service was wonderful. We loved the worship... the loud voices and makeshift drums filled the air. During the preaching, we were able to take the children outside for sunday school. Several boys raised thier hands, at the end, saying that they accepted Christ as their savior! Please keep the people of Mtepani in your prayers, and that God will raise up leaders in these children.
-David and Kim Hayes
I really enjoyed being with the kids! I was very surprised when I found out a small boy was fifteen years old. I asked the teacher about him and she said that the children in Kenya do not have as much food as the children in America and can not grow as big. I am thankful that we have everything that we need to grow up properly. I hope to come back to Africa soon!