Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Staff Fun Day @ MBEWAU

We have some amazing staff @ MBEWAU Ministries, both at the school and the church.  Lisa and I are nothing without these Godly men and women.  They faithfully serve with huge hearts each and every day, with very little rewards for their labor.  A few weeks ago we decided to take a few days to just relax and have some fun.  On the first day, we took a field trip to a neighboring school to share best practices.  we had lunch with their kids and then headed to a local park where they have several nature trails as well as some wildlife.  This was the first time most of these folks had ever been to a place like this.  They got to feed giraffe, sit on a large turtle, get face to face (with glass in between) with about 30 poisonous snakes, stand near buffalo and elk, feed monkeys and get REAL close to some very large crocodiles.  They had a BLAST!!

The next day we stayed on campus playing games.  We started the morning with chai & "mandazis" then went right into 2 hours of volleyball.  Rama invited his men's competitive team to challenge us.  We played our hearts out but alas, were defeated severely! :)  We then played a few games like egg race, nerf gun shooting, bowling and others that Cathy Bean taught everyone.  I have never seen such a competitive group, it was so funny to watch these guys interact outside of their "work" environment.  We then sat down to some amazing chicken & "ugali".

All in all, it was special time with some very special people.  We could not ask for better "partners" in ministry.  Please keep all 20 of these great folks in your prayers as they serve Him faithfully here.

Chris & Lisa Moore

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