Lisa and I want to thank each of you for making 2009 the greatest year of our ministry yet. Yes we had some sad times, slow times, challenging times but God was ALWAYS in control. We could not have made it without you! We are leaving on Feb 1st and we can not wait to get there and begin what God started many years ago when He began shaping us for this very moment!
Please continue to pray for us each day that we would walk in His steps, that He would keep us safe and that we would share the love of Christ with every opportunity He provides. If you are one of our faithful supporters, please continue to be faithful in 2010. If you have not been able to give like you wanted this past year, pray that God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. He will if you will. For those of you who have never thought of giving to Real 4 Christ Ministries, please take one minute right now and think about it, better yet, pray about it. God will reveal to you what He wants you to do. He will show you the thousands of people who will be touched by any size donation you can give throughout the year. Lisa and I are able to do great things ONLY through your sacrificial giving each month.
We both love you and will miss you. Please email us, write us, FB us, Skype us, and send us care packages :) :) We really do want to stay in contact with each of you and it will keep us encouraged while we go through the tough days.
May God richly bless you beyond your dreams and provide for you like never before because of your sacrificial giving!
Chris and Lisa Moore
Missionaries to Kenya, East Africa
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