A wise man once said, "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. "
For the past 2 years we have been praying, buying land, searching for a pastor and evangelizing the area. Our ministry is located right in the middle of Digo country. Digo's are one of the 9 coastal tribes of Kenya which make up the group called "Mijikenda". The Digo's in this area believe they are the only true Muslim tribe of Kenya. They believe that when a Digo child is born, they are born a muslim. Therefore, most are not muslim by "faith" but rather by "birth". Many in the villages never go to the Mosque to pray nor read and understand the teaching of the Koran. This makes evangelism to them and the other tribes in the area extremely challenging. All we have to do is to share with them that they now need the "new" birth, they need to be born again!!
Last September, Pastor Erick Chondo joined us in ministry on the South Coast and we started having Thursday afternoon Bible Studies. In November, with the help of Crossway International, a borehole was placed on the property which brought fresh drinking water to the villages.
Today, under a mango tree, we took that "first step" at Maasai Corner Ministries as we held our first Sunday Worship Service with 36 in attendance (12 children and 24 adults). At the close of the service, Khamisi, a muslim, Digo man, walked forward to have his second birth, giving his life to Christ.
I am not sure which was louder, the sound of the angels rejoicing in Heaven or the shouting under that big mango tree at Masai Corner! What an exciting beginning to what I believe is going to be an amazing ministry in Muslim country, on the South Coast of Kenya. Thanks for all your prayers and support which allow us to be a part of HIS amazing plan here.
Chris & Lisa Moore
Building Benches for the service. |
Benches ready for worship. |
Preparing for the first Masai Corner service. |
36 people in attendence. Praise the Lord! |
Pastor Chondo. |
Village children hearing about Christ Love for them. |
Khamisi asking Christ into his heart. |