Mercy has gone home. I (missionary Michelle Windell) went this morning and cleared the bill. She was all smiles. I have put her photos on. Here are the finances: 300,000/= beginning. 10,000/= Diana asked for, 84,000/= hospital bill, 45,000/= doctor bill. It is amazing how much the doctor cut from his bill. This leaves 161,000/= about $2,040.

Paul (headmaster from her school) has been so great, he has been to visit and even taken some little gifts to her. The doll she has in her lap is now called Faith! Paul is going to be sure she gets "proper" attention, as proper as village can get. But he will be sure a nurse or someone looks after her. I think he has gone everyday to visit them. When he arrived at hospital this morning, Mercy ran to him and gave him a big hug! He is a great guy and I know he will look after her well. Thanks for all your doing for her. I know the mom is grateful.