Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Ministry Bags

This afternoon the team met at Hallmark Baptist Church to pack the ministry bags that we are taking with us to Kenya. We had so many generous people donate items for the trip. We packed 14, 45pound large duffle bags full of supplies. We are so excited, only 11 more days and we'll be flying across the Altlantic and on our way Africa!
A New School!!!
WOW. God is good. The money to start the Mtepani school in Kenya was wired without any of the expected problems. It only cost $30 to wire $10,000. The exchange rate for some "unkown" reason was higher than it has been in a long time. Real 4 Christ expected to loose about $500.00 in the whole transfer. We actually had more than the needed funds to start the school foundation because of the exchange rate being high. When we let GOD be in control nothing is impossible. Attached are a few pics that we received today. We leave in 13 days.
Prayer Request
Please pray that the weather is good on March 5 so that our flights are not delayed.
Safe travel.
Good health.
Open hearts to the Gospel.
Kim and I spent some time looking at pics from the last trip to Mtepani. Most of the kids didn't have any shoes. Thanks to Soles 4 Soles ( we are taking 100 pair of flip flops to the kids.
We are so blessed here in America.
Have a great weekend.
God Bless
David and Kim

Prayer Request
Please pray that the weather is good on March 5 so that our flights are not delayed.
Safe travel.
Good health.
Open hearts to the Gospel.
Kim and I spent some time looking at pics from the last trip to Mtepani. Most of the kids didn't have any shoes. Thanks to Soles 4 Soles ( we are taking 100 pair of flip flops to the kids.
We are so blessed here in America.
Have a great weekend.
God Bless
David and Kim
Meet the Team

When I heard about the missions trip to Kenya I felt a need to go, but I did not mention it to my wife because we were talking about planning a vacation trip to Europe. At the same time my wife had the feeling that God wanted me to go on the missions trip as well. Kati came home from her Wednesday night bible study and that's when she told me what was on her heart about the trip, it was at that time I explained what I had been feeling and we agreed that I would plan to go. It is such a blessing how God works in our lives! Wayne Spaulding

Going to Africa is an opportunity I have waited a few years for. When this chance came around I knew the timing was right and the Lord would provide. In preparing for this trip, I am realizing that this experience will change my life forever. I know this may also open the door for full-time surrender to the mission field. I cannot wait for what the Lord has in store for me as well as the team. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers and support! Rachel Tubbs
Chris Moore is the founder of Real 4 Christ Ministries. He is leading our team to Mombasa. Chris grew up in Kenya as a missionary kid and feels that God is calling him to move back to serve the Kenyan people.

I was blessed as a junior aged boy to go on my first missions trip. We went to the Indian Reservations of South Dakota. I have loved missions ever since. I was blessed to take two different groups of student to the same Indian Reservation and minister alongside the same missionary in 1996 and 1998. I found myself showing junior high students how to paint the outside of the church building that I had watched my Father build as a young boy. How awesome it was to experience missions from both perspectives. I have had the privilege to take people on their first missions trip to Costa Rica, Mexico, South Dakota, Philippines, Cambodia, Belize, and now Africa. I love seeing people experience missions for the first time, and that is why I love leading trips. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of Hallmark. We are blessed to have a pastor who encourages and challenges us to take missions trips. Jon Haley

I have felt that God was dealing with me about working with missions for the past couple of years, but I just did not know what he had in mind for me. To be honest, I did not feel that I was equipped to do any kind of mission work, so I put it in the back of my mind and did not ever mention it to anyone. Over and over, God kept dealing with me on this subject, and I kept avoiding the issue. I felt that there was no way God could ever use me in this capacity. When the trip to Africa first came up last year, I felt a strong sense that God wanted me to go, but once again, I put it in the back of my mind. Not only did I feel that I was ill equipped, I knew that I could never afford it. The trip was to be in March, and I had a daughter who was planning on getting married in May, and I had already promised her a wedding. When it was time for the first meeting, my husband told me that he was going to the meeting because he was thinking about going on the trip. I never said anything to him, but knew there was no way that he could go on the trip due to his physical limitations. He would never be able to breathe in such a humid climate. I patiently waited for him to get out of the meeting, and when he came out he told me that he couldn’t go, but that he thought I should go. That’s when I knew that God really did want me to go on this trip, because I had never said anything to him about God dealing with me about it. The very next week I started a Beth Moore Bible study on the Psalms of Ascent, and the very first lesson was about stepping out on faith and getting out of our comfort zone. I know that God only needed me to say yes that I would go. He doesn’t need my talents. All He needs is my willingness to go. There is an entire nation of people who will die without Christ if someone doesn’t go and tell them. I feel that I can no longer allow myself to use my insecurities as an excuse not to do the things that I feel God is calling me to do. Kim Roberts
When we met the Moores with Real4Christ Ministries, God made it very clear to us that we were to make this trip to Kenya. It has been wonderful watching Him work throughout the preparations for this trip. We are trusting God and know that he has told us as Christians to show His love to all people. Kim and David Hayes

I feel like the Lord is leading me to go on this trip to help witness without holding back, as I have in other circumstances. I feel like God wants me to see a part of the world that is less fortunate than America so that I can see how much hope these people need and to also help me realize that there is life outside of the United States. I feel like God is ready to take me out of my comfort zone and that He is ready to show me what my true purpose is in this life and that is to share His word with other people. I think that God is going to teach me how to trust in Him and Him alone on this trip. At this moment I'm about halfway on the money for this mission, but I know He will provide. Lauran Chazarreta

I believe God called me to missions in Africa many years ago. It wasn’t until 2007 that I responded to the call. Through much prayer I was able to tell my family about the call to missions last year. I had been prayerfully searching for an organization to go with on the first mission trip and Kim Hayes asked me if I would be willing to go with her and David through Real4Christ and Hallmark Baptist Church to Mombasa Kenya in March. I prayed and went to the first meeting and God confirmed this trip was for me. The preparation had already been in God’s hands. He gave me a new job that is truly supporting me prayerfully and financially since answering the call to missions. Katina Huffman

I fell like God wants me to go on this trip so that I can learn how to share God’s word across the world. I have always had a heart for missions and I think God is shaping me to do mission work later in my life. I still need a lot of support to go on this trip, but I know God will provide. Hillary Hunt

Anytime my husband and I hear of a mission trip coming up, we want to get on board! God has placed a passion for missions on our hearts. He has given us both medical abilities to share a small part into His kingdom. Our desire is not only to see people all around the world come to know Jesus’ love, but also that missionaries are encouraged, loved and supported. Greg and Kelly Wagner

I have always had a heart for the African people. Every time a missionary from Africa would come to my church back home, I would talk to them and want to know everything. When I heard that Hallmark was sending a group over to Africa, I knew that God wanted me to go. God tells us that we are to spread the gospel to everyone and it's through trips like these that we can share the gospel with people that we would never meet otherwise. I feel that God has special things in store for me on this trip and I cannot wait to share them when I return. Christy Monteith.

Why do I want to go to Africa? There are many reasons why I want to go to Africa. It all started when I lived in Missouri at Bible College. I started talking to a buddy of mine about all the hurting people around the world and how we as Americans have been given so much to offer them. He told me about a non – profit organization called Invisible Children in Uganda, and I started researching more about what that organization represents. They are there to love and to make known the thousands of children who have no families and are at risk of being murdered and taken as child soldiers by the LRA, a rebel army bent on overthrowing the Ugandan Government. This opened my eyes to all the children and families suffering every day from Aids, hunger, homelessness, and poverty, among many other things. Christians have the greatest gift given to us by God; that is Salvation through Christ. To me I find the greatest purpose in life is to do our best to try and help the hurting and the broken around the world in both their physical needs and spiritual need of Christ as savior. Once I finish my missions degree, My plan, along with Rachel’s is to eventually move to Africa with a team from Ohio and work at establishing a Manna Center in Kenya, from there I would like to end up working in Uganda, if the Lord allows it. This trip is a small taste of what I feel God has led us both to do with our lives for Him. James 1:2. Brandon Adams
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Two Weeks to go!!!
This Sunday we are meeting to pack our ministry bags. These will include all the items we are taking with us to hand out to the people in Kenya. So many people have donated items such as medical and school supplies, shoes, soccer balls, toys, candy, coloring books, and much more. Everyone has been so generous! We are very thankful.
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