Sorry Amanda for missing your blog...This one is a few days late.
This morning arriving at the school with the kids lining the entrance of the gate was an amazing experience. There Was so much excitement and such an adrenaline rush to be caught up in! We got off the bus and went straight to the children's worship center where the kids and teachers were all signing and dancing joyfully, thanking God and us for being there. They were all dressed in similar will outfits but they were each decorated in glitter, face paint, beads and even some feathers. The environment of joy was, once again, extremely contagious. At the end of the welcoming ceremony there was one last song and dance that we all participated. In the middle of the circle danced 4 boys and 4 girls facing each other going through a series of motions. One by one staying with the couples we joined in beside them and followed their movements. It was awesome being bright together to sing and dance with no shame or embarrassment- only joy. I guess that is the theme I'm experiencing everyday here. Joy... real, unabashed joy. In every thing we do and they do - from worship to giving to playing to working- it's all done out of love and joy for our creator.
After that we broke into groups to play different games with each class. The kids were just do happy to spend this time being kids, enjoying us and playing the simple games we brought. After the games we walked the kids back to their classrooms and I had at least four kids come and grab into my hands. One little girl, Sheila, asked for my water. I gave it to her exciting she was thirsty but when we got to the classroom and i was about to head back she gave me a hug and my water back. It was so simple, yet so sweet. This little girl took my bottle to carry for me so she could hold onto my hand! Lunch was great, all the same food eaten together but still smiles and no complaining. Each class said a prayers once they were seated and that was cuteness overload. Later we had a skit, a waste balloon fight and closing songs.
To end our day with the kids we were able to "walk" home a few children that people from our team sponsor. The families were so happy and inviting to show us their home. To just an everyday American it would look like a home made from nothing but to me it was a home made from the love and joy, not conformed by our unrealistic expectations of a clean, presentable house full of the latest things we want. With each day, each experience, each memory being made I continue to grow and become more open. God's love and joy surrounds everything here. Our boundaries are being stretched and we are learning to be more flexible. God's love has no limits and I am reminded daily.